Are you interested in participating in a liturgical ministry at Mass?
If you are a registered parishioner interested in serving as a Lector, Eucharistic Minister at Mass, Eucharistic Minister to the sick and homebound, usher and/or Sacristan, please complete this Application for Liturgical Ministers, check the ministry(ies) applicable to you and return it to the parish office. After Father McDonald has approved your application, a copy will be forwarded to the ministry leader and you will be contacted for training. After the training, the ministry leader will contact the parish office to add you to the ministry scheduling.
For the ministry to the sick and homebound, ushers and sacristan: After Father Sandy has approved your application, you will be contacted by Genie O'Shesky for additional forms and online classes. The ministry leader will contact you to be trained once this additional part has been completed.
If you are interested in serving as Altar Server, have completed third grade and received First Communion, please contact Catherine Combier-Donovan for the next available training session and complete this Altar Server Information Form.
After the training/installation, the ministry leader will contact the Trudy at the parish office to add you to the ministry schedule as listed on your application. Please see below for details on scheduling and ministry schedules. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the parish office at 803.788.0811.
We are using a scheduling software called Ministry Schedule Pro (MSP). Once you are added to the program, you will receive an invitation email with a link, your user name and password as well as your assigned dates. It also includes a brief video and a guide about the basic functions of this program. Here is a printable guide.
By using the ministry scheduling app available online, you can now....
... update your preferences for email, phone, Mass times at anytime. (Note: This is not linked to our parish database, contact us separately to update).
.... enter dates you are not available serve.
... request a sub by clicking on that assigned date.
... volunteer for an open position (different shade than your assignment) by clicking on the date and click on volunteer.
Trouble getting started or have questions, contact Trudy at 803.788.3252, ext. 324 or
The smooth flow of the Liturgy and the people’s ability to pray truly hinges on your service!
Those of us who have a special place in the leading of our parish worship, also have a special duty to see that our personal dress and conduct enhance, not hinder, our public parish worship of God. In other words, by exercising common courtesy and simple good taste, we can set a fine example for the entire congregation. God will be truly worshipped and His people made one united community.
Fr. Sandy explains the placement of the tabernacle tower under the central arch. Our current tabernacle will be incorporated into a beautiful design that will visibly bridge the threshold between the public worship space of the sanctuary and the private prayer space of the Blessed Sacrament chapel.
721 Polo Road
Columbia, SC 29223
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