

The Sacrament of Baptism celebrates each person's entry into the life of Christ as it is lived in and by the community of disciples, the Church. Just as Jesus called people to announce the Good news of God's love and to do God's work in the world, Catholic Christians are called through Baptism to be disciples of the Lord, to bring Good News to others and do God's work in the world. In Baptism, one's sins are forgiven, one is adopted as a child of God, bdcomes a member of the Body of Christ, and is bonded to other Christians. Water is poured three times over a person's head, accompanied by the words, "[N], I baptized you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." This is followed by an anointing with Sacred Chrism. For the Baptism of Adults, see RCIA.

Baptism at St. John Neumann:

Congratulations on your receiving God’s most precious gift—a new baby! We look forward to sharing in your joy as you begin preparations for your child’s Baptism.

Contact the office at 803.788.0811 to set up an appointment with the priest for baptism preparations at least three months in advance of desired baptism date. Below is more information for Baptism in the Catholic Church.


Contacte a la oficina parroquial al 803.788.3252, ext. 325 o Enrique Bautista para hacer una cita con el sacerdote para empezar el proceso de bautizo por lo menos 3 meses antes de la deaseada fecha de bautizo.

The Sanctifying Mission of the Church

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to the life in the Spirit, and the door that gives access to the other sacraments. Through baptism, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church, and made sharers in her mission…. (CCC, #1213) 

Baptism imprints on the soul an indelible spiritual sign, the character that consecrates the baptized person for Christian worship. Because of this character, baptism cannot be repeated. (CCC, # 1280) 

Baptism perfectly linked to Confirmation and Eucharist form the three Sacraments of Initiation into the fullness of the Christian life.

Through baptism, we commit ourselves to grow in new life and spiritual maturity. An infant is baptized into the faith of its parents and godparents. Consequently, there is an authentic hope that the child will be brought up in the Catholic Faith.

Godparents Selection

Being a godparent (also called a sponsor) is an honor and privilege that comes with responsibilities. A godparent serves as a role model for the child, promises to support the family in raising the child in the faith, and acts as a representative of the Church and witness to the faith. Therefore, a godparent should be carefully and prayerfully chosen. 

Church requirements for a godparent are: 

  • Must be at least 16 years old and be mature enough to understand, accept and fulfill the duties of a godparent
  • Must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
  • Must be actively practicing the faith and in good standing with the Church (including a church marriage, if applicable)
  • Must be living an exemplary life consistent with faith and morals as taught by the Catholic Church
  • A non-Catholic baptized Christian may be chosen by the family as a Christian Witness, as long as one other godparent is a Catholic and meets the above criteria.
  • An unbaptized person cannot be a godparent or Christian Witness.
  • There must be at least one Catholic godparent for baptism; if two are chosen, they cannot be of the same gender.
  • A parent cannot be his/her own child’s godparent. 

Baptismal Certificates and Donations

Baptismal certificates will be provided after the ceremony.  SJN does not charge a fee; however, many families offer the priest a stipend in thanksgiving and to honor the baptism of their child. 

Do you need a duplicate sacramental record?

If you are a current member at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, contact Trudy at the parish office at 803.788.3252, ext. 318.

If you are no longer an active St. John Neumann parishioner, please click here for instructions. You may print and add the information to this sheet, sign on the bottom and submit it to Trudy with a copy of your picture ID.

Were you asked to be a sponsor or Godparent?

Congratulations, this is a great honor which comes with great responsibility. Please contact Trudy at the parish office at 803.788.0811 as soon as possible, at least two months prior to the date of baptism or two weeks before the confirmation date. 

  • You should be registered and a practicing Catholic parishioner at least 3 months prior to the sacramental celebration.
  • Godparents/sponsors must have received all sacraments, including a Catholic marriage (unless unwed). 
  • For a sponsor letter for Baptism, contact the office at least two months prior to the date of Baptism to attend a baptism class.

Contact Trudy at 803.788.0811 to get started.

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