I'm New Here

New Parishioner Registration

We are delighted that you have decided to make
St. John Neumann your parish home. 

We are a parish family of approximately 2100 households, and we are blessed to have a rich diversity of people from around our country and around our world. Our parish mission statement challenges us “to strive together to be Christ for our neighbor.” With Jesus as our model, we want to make a difference in support of each other and in our world. Everyone has gifts to offer in the fulfillment of our mission. We look forward to welcoming your gifts and talents within the life of our community. 

For adult newcomers to our parish, you might find it particularly helpful to join a Small Christian Community, an exercise class, or one of our social organizations such as the Knights of Columbus or Columbiettes. It is easy to come to know and become friends with other members of the parish through groups such as these. Building relationships in any way is always helpful to feel good and become involved in a parish. May you find many new friends and supporters here. 

For families with children, we have an award-winning school that seeks to provide a nurturing environment “Where Children Experience Success” in every way: academically, spiritually, physically, socially. We also have a vibrant Faith Formation program for children and adults, the centerpiece of which is conducted on Wednesday evenings. We hope you will find relevant and encouraging ways to deepen and nurture your faith here.

If I or any member of our parish staff can be of assistance in helping you to acclimate to St. John Neumann, please reach out to us. We’d love to help. 

To officially become a member of our parish, simply complete/submit our online registration form.

Printed registration forms are available in the parish office or in the church vestibules.

You can also download a copy here: 
Registration Form or Registration Form in Spanish (español).

We are looking forward to seeing you at Mass and getting to know you better.

We also invite you to check out our current parish photo directory and perhaps you would like to be included in the next edition?

Parish Photo Directory

If you are not yet Catholic and are interested to learn more, please visit here to start with our Faith Formation first.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is confession?

    Thursday: 6 pm - 6:45 pm   

    Saturday:  4 pm - 5 pm 

    or by appointment at 803.788.0811

  • What should I wear?

       The outfit you choose to wear should express reverence to this most holy sacrament.

        But attire should NEVER stop or slow your reception of the Eucharist to remain in communion with the Catholic church.

        Jesus wore a robe and sandles.

  • Where should I park?

    Park your vehicles in marked parking spots. There are two parking lot entrances on either side of the church with additional parking in the back of the church. 

    Handicap accessible parking is on the right side when facing the church and our  handicap accessible entrance is in the back of the church, through our Gillin Hall. Please avoid street parking if able, but overflow parking is along the side streets on either side of the church.

  • Am I expected to put money in the offering?

    We are truly happy you are celebrating Mass with us. We appreciate any monetory donation you would like to make but it is not expected. 

    Perhaps you are able to share your time and talent with us? We have many opportunities on the back of our registration form. 

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