Faith Formation

Faith Formation

Faith Formation

Faith Formation fosters ongoing lifelong learning and has the following tasks: promote knowledge of the faith; understanding the meaning of liturgical and sacramental life; promote moral formation in Christ; teach Christians how to pray; foster a life of service in community; and cultivate an evangelizing and missionary spirit. Our goal at St. John Neumann is to nurture and enliven a mature faith in which we live in discipleship with Christ and his Church, and which we live out in our families, in the workplace, in the community and in the world. We offer intergenerational activities to engage the whole family and we also encourage parental involvement in all aspects of our parish school of religion.

Our approach is to create a faith formation network that addresses the diverse tasks & situations, spiritual, religious & cultural needs, & interests of adults in the church by offering a variety of content topics & learning activities out of which adults can develop their own personalized learning pathway. We utilize a variety of learning models to address this, incorporating both face-to-face, interactive learning activities & virtual, online learning activities.

Director of Faith Formation: Catherine Combier-Donovan, 803.788.3252, ext. 326

Family Faith Formation

The Church has always considered catechesis one of her primary tasks

 . . . the name of catechesis was given to the whole of the efforts within the Church to make disciples, to help people to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, so that believing they might have life in his name and to educate and instruct them in this life and thus build up the Body of Christ. (Catechesi tradendae, #1)

At St. John Neumann we believe that forming disciples is a lifelong process – the more you know, the more you can love God through liturgy, daily life, and within each other. We also believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and work to support families in their mission. We offer intergenerational activities to engage the whole family and encourage parental involvement in all aspects of our parish school of religion.

Pope Francis and the Bishops remind us that Parents are the primary catechists of their children. We are taking a family-centered approach where parents & children work together alternating between in-person and at-home sessions. Sacramental preparation will occur on alternate Sundays.

Our goal as a parish is to partner with parents in the building of Households of Faith through a wide range of opportunities and to make disciples.

Elementary & Middle Faith Formation 

Register online:
Family Faith Formation 2024-25

Dates: Sept. 2024 -  April 2025
Sundays - 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
: 721 Polo Road, Columbia

For more information or questions,

contact Veronica at 803.788.3252, ext. 320 or

Family Class times 

Grades K-4 through 8,  six in-person classes on Sunday afternoons, 3:30 - 4:45 pm plus nine at-home sessions. Classes are held at the school.

Catechetical Materials 

Growing Up Catholic: Faith Stories and Sacraments, published by The Pastoral Center

First Reconciliation and First Communion are normally celebrated during 2nd grade. Preparation is family-centered on Sunday, with parents and children attending 6 sessions for Reconciliation and 6 sessions for Communion.

Confirmation is celebrated starting with 6th grade. Students must have completed at least the prior year of religious education to enter any sacramental preparation class. Public school students must attend Faith Stories (Middle School) or Youth Ministry (High School) on Sunday afternoons, 3:30 - 4:45 pm, as well as, Confirmation classes throughout the year.

Protecting God's Children

The Diocese of Charleston is very pro-active in its attempt to keep everyone that is involved in parish life safe. It is mandatory, according to diocesan guidelines, that any adult employee or volunteer - who has access to minor children or vulnerable adults must submit a background screening form, sign a Volunteer Code of Conduct and complete an Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Diocesan Policy. In addition, they must take an online Sexual Abuse Awareness class.

Contact our safe environment coordinator listed below for registration and additional information for the class. When completed, participants will take a brief test and print out a certificate. A copy of the certificate must be given to the Safe Environment Coordinator along with the completed Background Screening Form, Volunteer Code of Conduct and Appendix B: Acknowledgement of Receipt of the Diocesan Policy. These documents MUST be turned in BEFORE employees or volunteers begin.

For more information about Safe Environment policies, contact Genie O'Shesky, Safe Environment Coordinator, at 803-788-3252 x 311 or

Thank you for supporting us in our efforts to make St. John Neumann a place where everyone is welcome to join us in faith, hope, charity and safety. 

Click below to see the child protection policy on our diocesan website:

Office of Child and Youth Protection
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