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Adult Faith Formation   

  • Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

    Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

    SJN offers adults a diversity of ongoing faith formation and enrichment: e.g., workshops, book study groups, seminars, faith-sharing groups, online resources (“playlists”), etc.  Volunteers are needed to serve as facilitators, instructors, presenters and experts in various fields.  

    Contact:  Catherine Combier-Donovan, 803.788.3252, ext. 326,

  • Baptism Preparation Team

    Baptism Preparation Team 

    A team of catechists offers a monthly preparation session for parents of children to be baptized and sponsors who are able to attend. Parents, please call the parish office at (803) 788-0811 for information on the next session.

    Contact:  Catherine Combier-Donovan, 803.788.3252, ext. 326,

  • Order of Christan Initaton of Adults (OCIA)

    Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

    The OCIA (RCIA prepares people of catechetical age to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist).  Those baptized in other churches who wish to become Catholic are also prepared to make a Profession of Faith, undergo Confirmation and receive the Eucharist. 

    OCIA Team and Sponsors  

    The RCIA needs catechists for the teams who foster this process. The teams are trained and led by the Director of the Catechumenate. Sponsors are also needed to help those preparing to become Catholics. Sponsors attend meetings and participate in discussions and prayer. Being a sponsor is a great way to give support to someone as well as to enrich one’s own faith. RCIA meetings are on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm in the Teen Room.  

    Contact:  Catherine Combier-Donovan, 803.788.3252, ext. 326, 

  • Witness to Love Marriage Preparation

    Witness to Love Marriage Preparation

    Married couples are sought as mentors for “Witness to Love” Marriage Preparation to walk with engaged couples after their initial meeting with the priest or deacon.

    Coordinator: TBD

  • “Living Faith” Class

    “Living Faith” Class

    The “Living Faith” Class meets at 10 am on Mondays in Gillin Hall. Participants have input into topics to explore. Discussion and sharing are integrated into the presentations and readings. To participate, simply come to the meetings.

    Contact:  Cherie Smith,

  • Vocation Chalice

    Vocation Chalice

    The purpose of the Chalice Program is to encourage families to pray and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. The consecrated Chalice is a tangible reminder of this special intention for the Church. When we pray for vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women whom He calls to follow Him in a very special way. We hope that those who bring the cup home will continue to pray daily for vocations. 


    Eric Cannon


  • Cursillo at St. John Neumann

    Cursillo at St. John Neumann

    Cursillo is a statewide network of switched-on Catholics who have experienced a four-day retreat, “a little course in Christianity,” which originated in Spain.  Following the retreat experience, “Cursillistas” from St. John Neumann meet weekly in small groups to continue their faith journey together.  


    Ultreya: Debra Layer, 803.603.6748,; 

    Men: Tony Zammarrelli, 803.466.3111,; 

    Women: Betsy Schneider, 803.269.1499,

  • Small Christan Communites

    Small Christian Communities

    Small Christian Communities (SCCs) are groups of 8-12 people who meet regularly to share their faith in discussion and mutual support. Groups meet once a week at a time and location convenient to all in the group. At SJN, there are two six-week periods (in the fall/Advent and during Lent) for SCCs. However, they are not limited to these time periods. Groups are flexible regarding frequency and time of year. A variety of discussion materials can be provided by the Office of Faith Formation. Volunteers may sign up as participants or group facilitators. Volunteer facilitators will be trained.

    Contact:  Catherine Combier-Donovan, 803.788.3252, ext. 326, 

Youth faith Formation

  • Order of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children Team and Sponsors (OCIA for Children) - Catechist and Sponsors

    Order of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children Team and Sponsors (OCIA for Children) - Catechist and Sponsors 

    The OCIA prepares people of catechetical age to receive the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist).  Those people who were baptized in other churches and who wish to become Catholic are prepared to make a Profession of Faith, undergo Confirmation and receive the Eucharist. The OCIA for children needs catechists who foster this process for children. The teams are trained and led by the Director of the Catechumenate. Sponsors are also needed for those preparing to become Catholic. Sponsors attend meetings and participate in discussion and prayer. The OCIC for children meets on Wednesdays, 6:30 pm, in the school.


    Verónica Carneiro

    803.788.3252, ext. 320 

  • Confirmation Preparation Team

    Confirmation Preparation Team

    This team helps students from sixth grade and up prepare for Confirmation.  Volunteers needed also for assisting the service component of the preparation process.  Contact Veronica Carneiro (preparation team) or Rhina Medina (service program).


    Verónica Carneiro, 803.788.3252, ext. 320,

    Rhina Medina, 803.788.3252, ext. 353, 

  • Catechists - Elementary Christian Formation

    Catechists - Elementary Christian Formation 

    Assistant catechists who help the lead catechist in the family-based faith formation classes that meet on Sundays from 3:30—4:45 p.m.


    Verónica Carneiro, 803.788.3252, ext. 320, 

  • Catechists - Junior High Christian Formation

    Catechists - Junior High Christian Formation

    Assistant catechists who help the lead catechist in the family-based faith formation classes that meet on Sundays from 3:30—4:45 p.m.


    Verónica Carneiro, 803.788.3252, ext. 320, 

  • Catechists - High School Christian Formation

    Catechists - High School Christian Formation

    High School formation is made up of many different parts aimed at bringing teens closer to Christ. Youth Group meets on Sundays from 3:30—4:45 p.m. The Youth Ministry is comprised of the Youth Ministry director and a team of adults, who welcome, support, challenge and inspire the teens of the parish. 


    Rhina Medina, 803.788.3252, ext. 353,  

  • Children’s Liturgy of the Word Team

    Children’s Liturgy of the Word Team 

    On most Sundays throughout the year, children up to the 2nd grade are invited to the 10 am Sunday Mass to participate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word.  Adult Lead Catechists and  Adult or High School Assistants are needed for the team to plan and provide lessons.  The team assigns a lead teacher for each week. If enough catechists are recruited, the Children’s Liturgy of the Word can be expanded to additional weekend Masses.  


    Leo Fanning,

  • Vacation Bible School Team (VBS)

    Vacation Bible School Team

    The third week of June is the usual time to gather children K-4 - 5th grade for five days of Bible stories, prayers, songs, games, snacks, crafts, science experiments, mission projects and Mass. All children are welcome to join. Vacation Bible School (VBS) needs many volunteers. Adults, to serve as catechists and teens, to serve as assistants, are invited to be part of this week of fun and formation.


    Verónica Carneiro

    803.788.3252, ext. 320 

  • Youth Basketball Ministry

    The Basketball Ministry teaches youth between grades 2nd - 12th how to show Christ's love to one another through the sport of Basketball. 


    Sept - Oct: Sign up open

    Nov - Feb:  Regular Season 


    Rae-Ann Grimes


  • Scouting America

    St. John Neumann Parish sponsors Scouting America. 

    Pack 287 meets on scheduled Sunday afternoons for 1st-5th grades. 

    Troop 287 meets on Tuesdays for 5th grade or higher. 

    Those interested in becoming Scout

    leaders must apply through the BSA: Indian Waters Council at


    Laurie Sambenedetto


    Chris Hydorn or


    David Hitchcock 


  • Girl Scouts of America

    Girl Scouts of America 

    St. John Neumann Parish sponsors Daisies (K-5 and 1st grade), Brownies (2nd and 3rd grades), Juniors (4th and 5th grades) and Cadettes (6th - 8th grades). Meetings are on Sundays.  


    Jennifer Bonovich,

  • St. John Neumann School Volunteers

    St. John Neumann Catholic School welcomes members of the parish to become involved in the school. It is

    not necessary to have a child attending SJN Catholic School to volunteer. The School Advisory Board has

    several committees for which parishioners may volunteer. 

    These include: 


    Crisis Management,


    Marketing the School in the Community, 


    Grants and 

    Catholic Identity. 

    The ParentSchool Association (PSA) also has many subcommittees:

    Auction: Decorations, Acquisitions, Set up, Packaging

    Uniform Exchange: sorting uniforms

    Fall Festival: setting up booths, working the booths

    Christmas Corner: setting up and selling items to the children

    Yearbook: working with a studio via computer

    General Opportunities to volunteer at the school: having children read to you in the Discovery Center,

    library help, carpool in the mornings (7:30-8 am), distributing lunch (11 am-12:30 pm), Health Room help


    School Office 


Community Life

  • Knights of Columbus

    Knights of Columbus

    The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Martin C. Murphy Council 6847 meet for a business meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 7 pm and a social meeting on the fourth Thursday. Catholic men are invited to become members. To learn more, visit

    The Patriotic Order of the Knights of Columbus, Assembly 2902 meet on the first Thursday of the month in Gillin Hall at 7 pm. 


    Alex Martell 


  • Columbiettes

    The Columbiettes  is a unified group of Catholic women who work side by side with the Knights of Columbus to promote faith, family, charity and patriotism. Any Catholic woman at least 17 years old is eligible to become a Columbiette. Although affiliated with the Knights of Columbus, each auxiliary has its own by-laws and procedures. Each auxiliary also has its own charities and fundraising projects, while still supporting the local Knights. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm in Gillin Hall.


    Lorraine Catoe


  • Legion of Mary

    Legion of Mary 

    The primary apostolate for the Legion of Mary at St. John Neumann is to visit residents of care institutions. The group meets every Monday at 5:30 pm in the Teen Room. It is a spirituality-and-service movement that goes back to 19th century Ireland. Auxiliaries commit themselves to daily prayer for the apostolate.  


    Anh-Nga Huynh-Duc


  • Sisterhood of Catholic Spiritual Studies

    Sisterhood of Catholic Spiritual Studies 

    Looking for fellowship among women in the same season of life? Come join the newly-formed Sisterhood of Catholic Spiritual Studies which provides an avenue for gathering, witnessing, sharing and growing in our Catholic faith. We are currently doing a book study and discussing the application of the lives of the saints in our lives as wives, mothers, professionals, volunteers, parishioners and more. We meet once per month on a Sunday evening. 


    Helga Morris 

  • Young Adults/Jóvenes Adultos

    Young Adults/Jóvenes Adultos

    If you are between 18 and 35, join this social gathering. This bilingual Group meets on Sunday afternoons from 3:30  - 5 pm in the School Cafeteria at 721 Polo Road on dates listed in the bulletin. For more information, email


    Mariana Medellin





  • Korean Community

    Korean Community 

    The Korean Community at St. John Neumann is very active, and has well over 100 members. Mass is celebrated on the second and third Sunday of the month at 7 pm.  


    Chang-Uk (Peter) Lim


  • German Club

    German Club

    German speakers meet on the third Friday of the month at 7 pm for an evening of fellowship, conversation and other activities.


    Erika Langston 


  • Newcomer Welcoming Committee

    Newcomer Welcoming Committee

    The Newcomer Welcoming Committee helps extend hospitality and assists new members in getting integrated into the SJN community. Interested in becoming a mentor to a newcomer to our parish?  Sign up here: 


    Stephen Szabo

  • Hospitality Group

    Hospitality Group

    Donut Sunday is held every first and third Sunday of the month after the 10 am Mass in Gillin Hall. This groups offers donuts, coffee, and other refreshments for fellowship and cleans up Gillin Hall and kitchen afterwards.


    Trudy Dischinger 


  • SJN Playgroup

    SJN Playgroup

    Come play with us!

    Gather with your children and foster fellowship amoung other Catholic families!

    We gather together every Thursday at 10am in the Teen Room


    Erin Porris 

  • Senior Luncheon Team

    Senior Luncheon Team

    The Senior Luncheon is a ministry offered by the parish. Anyone who is retired and 55 years old or older is invited to attend a luncheon in Gillin Hall on the first Thursday of the month. We begin with celebrating Daily Mass together. Attendees are asked to RSVP each month at the parish office so enough food can be prepared. Shoppers, cooks, and servers are needed or perhaps you are interested in leading this ministry?


    Trudy Dischinger


  • Special Events Team

    Special Events Team

    The Special Events Team host receptions in Gillin Hall to celebrate special occasions and to encourage fellowship. A team is created for each function.  


    Genie O’Shesky 

    803.788.3252, ext. 311

  • Finance Council

    Finance Council

    The Finance Council serves to ensure financial transparency and good stewardship of the parish resources. Members are appointed by the pastor for three-year terms that may be renewed.


    Tom Harmalik


Outreach and Social Justice

  • Comfort and Caring Ministry

    Comfort and Caring Ministry

    The Comfort & Caring Ministry reaches out to parishioners who have suffered the loss of a loved one, with sympathy cards from our SJN Parish Family. It also offers a grief support group in the fall, as well as other bereavement programs and activities dealing with end of life issues. 


    Wendy Bobadilla

    803.788.3252, ext. 330

  • Crisis Outreach Ministry

    Crisis Outreach Ministry 

    Crisis Outreach Ministry provides direct assistance to persons in need.  The ministry also helps funnel resources to local charitable organizations, organize the “Giving Tree” in November, and “Bagging for the Needy” in July, as well as, many other programs to help support those in need.


    Linnie Catarino



    Héctor Morales


    Please leave call back number on voicemail.

  • Funeral Luncheon Committee

    Funeral Luncheon Committee

    The Funeral Luncheon Committee is available to prepare a luncheon or reception following funeral services for the family and gathered community.  They prepare trays of food, shop for food as needed, and provide desserts, assisting with set up, serving, cleanup, etc.


    Glenda George


  • Health Cabinet

    Health Cabinet

    The Health Cabinet works with the Parish Nurse to plan and implement initiatives that promote health in the parish and the community. 


    Wendy Bobadilla

    803.788.3252, ext. 330

  • Ready 2 Read (R2R)

    Ready 2 Read (R2R)

    Ready 2 Read is designed to increase summer reading for our youngest students and to promote and encourage parents to read to their children. The district’s goal is to collect enough books (roughly 35,000) to provide each pre-k through second-grade student with 10 new or gently used books geared to their grade level. Book bins are available in Gillin Hall.


    Karen Zimmerman

  • Respect Life Ministry

    Respect Life Ministry

    Respect Life Ministry (RLM) is dedicated to the preservation of the sacredness and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death.


    Betsy Schneider


  • Sandwiches for the Homeless Ministry

    Sandwiches for the Homeless Ministry 

    On the second Sunday of each month, volunteers from SJN provide sandwiches for the residents of the Oliver Gospel Mission, and other shelters.  Volunteers prepare the sandwiches and leave them in the refrigerator/freezer in the kitchen in Gillin Hall.  Everyone is welcome to help by donating sandwiches.  


    Tom & Dorothy Loiodice


  • Senior Social

    Senior Social

    Join the fun at our Senior Social with games once a month on a Thursday from 12:30 - 2:30 pm in Gillin Hall. Games available: Dominos, Chinese Checkers, Card Games, Traditional Checkers, MLB-Opoly Junior, The Game of LIFE, Chess (on a set purchased in Jerusalem along the path Jesus carried his cross), Scrabble, Literary Charades, Putt Golf + more to follow….


    Ray Arment

  • MORE Justice Ministry

    MORE Justice Ministry

    St. John Neumann belongs to MORE Justice (Midlands Organized Response for Equity & Justice), a growing network of faith-based congregations which are culturally, economically, geographically, racially, and religiously diverse – coming together to fulfill our scriptural mandate to “do justice” and make the Central Midlands area a more just place to live for all people. We work together to empower marginalized people and act powerfully to address serious community wide problems through direct action. We accomplish this by identifying a problem, doing research, educating the public, and publicly addressing the root causes of, and solutions to, poverty and injustice in our communities. MORE Justice is unique in its approach in that it transforms the systems that cause suffering by holding local officials accountable for resolving these inequities and injustices.   


    Catherine Combier-Donovan 803.788.3252, ext. 326

Prayer and Worship

  • Altar Guild

    Altar Guild

    This ministry focuses on the preparation, care and cleaning of the liturgical vessels and linen for weekend and weekday liturgies.  


    Vessels: Anh-Nga Huynh-Duc 803.414.4332

    Linen: Alin Bautista

  • Altar Servers

    Altar Servers  

    Altar servers (acolytes) assist the priest and other liturgical ministers during the celebration of the Mass. Boys and girls, who have completed 2nd grade and have received first communion, are eligible to become altar servers.  


    SJN Church Office

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 

    These ministers are lay people authorized by the Church to assist priests and deacons in administering the Eucharist. They may also go and share the Sacrament with members of the community unable to attend Mass due to infirmity or illness.


    Judy Shaurette


    for service at Masses; 


    Trudy Dischinger

     for the sick and homebound. 

  • Greeters


    Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors at the door. They are the first faces encountered by those who come to the church for the Masses on weekends, holy days and funerals. Their role is to make all welcome, especially those visiting for the first time. This ministry is open to families, adults and teens. The Greeter Program is one of the easiest ways to give back to the parish. It is also a great way for entire families to serve together.  Minors must be accompanied by their parent.  No training required, just contact Trudy if you would like to be added to the schedule.


    Rose Smerdell

  • Lectors


    A lector is a reader who proclaims the scripture readings at Mass, lending a human voice to God’s word. The lector ministry requires prayer, training, skill, and transparency to the word of God.


    Carolyn Bullinger


  • Sacristans


    Sacristans work behind the scenes to prepare the worship space before and after a liturgy. They serve the assembly and minister to the priest. Sacristans are needed for weekend liturgies as well as daily Masses.


    Bob Auman


  • Ushers


    Ushers ensure the smooth flow of the liturgy by offering assistance, directing the collections and processions, answering questions, assisting with special needs and distributing the bulletin. 


    Rose Smerdell

  • Eucharistic Adoration

    Eucharistic Adoration 

    Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on Thursdays in the church from 12:30 pm to 6:45 pm. With Benediction at 6:30 pm.  Everyone is invited to spend time in prayer and adoration during these hours. Regular volunteers and substitutes are needed to ensure the presence of at least two people each hour.


    Nisy Sashi


  • Art and Environment Committee

    Art and Environment Committee  

    This ministry team works to enhance the church, creating an inviting and beautiful worship environment that is reflective of the liturgical season. Creative people with skills in the arts - fabric, floral and fine arts, design, woodworking and all other media are welcome.  


    Catherine Combier-Donovan

    803.788.3252, ext. 326


    Erika Langston


  • Garden Club

    Garden Club

    The Garden Club assists in the beautification of the grounds around our church. Members are assigned a small area to plant and maintain, either working in pairs or independently. There are two scheduled committee meetings, in the fall and spring. The group also meets for lunch several times a year.  


    Ruth Yoch


Music Ministry

  • 10am Choir

    10 am Mass Choir sings for 10 am Sunday Mass from mid-August through mid-June and rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 pm in the church.  


    Linda Mooney, Music Ministry 

  • Neumann Kids Choir

    Neumann Kids Choir rehearses on Tuesdays from 4:30 -5:15 pm in the school music room. The choir sings for a weekend Mass once a month. We begin in September and end in May. 


    Linda Mooney, Music Ministry 

  • SJN Christmas Choirs and Holy Week/Easter Choirs

    SJN Christmas Choirs and Holy Week/Easter Choirs For those who want a limited gig for singing in choir, you can sing for special seasons of the church year.  Rehearsals will be set to prepare for each season.   


    Linda Mooney, Music Ministry 

  • Cantors

    Cantors are auditioned singers who are responsible for proclaiming the Psalm and Gospel Acclamation during Mass.  Cantors may be called upon to help lead songs during Mass and/or prepare special music. 


    Linda Mooney, Music Ministry 

  • Instrumentalists

    Instrumentalists are invited to audition to be a part of the tapestry of music in liturgy.  


    Linda Mooney, Music Ministry,

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